Commercial Metal Roof Repair & Restoration

For nearly half a century, metal roofing systems have been the most widely used agricultural, industrial, and commercial roofing material. Even today, it is often the roofing system of choice for many commercial building owners and facility managers throughout Florida.  Its durability, lightweight, and natural resistance to moisture, pests, and fire, are some reasons for its long-term popularity. However, due to weather the harsh weather conditions in Florida, metal roof repair is still required on commercial buildings.

Metal Roof Repair, Tallahassee flMetal Roof Repairs for Aging Commercial Buildings

However, metal roofing materials degrade over time, especially in our subtropical climate. This results in roof leaks due to warping, corrosion, rusting, and other problems. Also, metal roofing systems are time-consuming and costly to replace.  With the current supply chain and labor shortages, it could take weeks or even months for materials to arrive onsite. In the meantime, your facility, employees, and equipment are exposed to risks of further water damage, increasing repair costs.

Troyer Commercial Roofing has over a decade of experience installing the Conklin MR System® for metal roof restoration. Our restoration coatings are applied directly to the existing metal roofing system eliminating the need for costly repairs and replacements.

Metal Roof Leaks Can Be Costly 

Metal roof leaks can be very costly to your business. It not only damages the roofing material, but as the moisture seeps through the roofing system, it can cause significant structural damage. Water leaks can also damage its contents, including fixtures, furnishings, equipment, and supplies. It can also create conditions for mold and mildew spores to grow and spread throughout the facility. This negatively affects workers’ health, resulting in more medical claims and lost productivity.

Metal Roof Coatings To Protect Your Investment

For more than 40 years, commercial building owners, property managers, and facility managers like you have trusted The Conklin Roofing Systems. They repair and protect your existing roofing system investment for less than the cost of a complete roof replacement. When installing the Conklin MR System, the lightweight coatings instantly repairs holes, gaps, weak points, and other deficiencies in your aging metal roof, creating a durable, attractive, and weatherproof barrier. It’s like having a protective shield protecting your roof 24/7 against heat, moisture, dust, wind, hail, and fire damage.

In addition, its EnergyStarcool roof” technology keeps rooftop surfaces up to 80°F cooler, significantly increasing energy efficiency while extending your existing metal roof system’s useful lifespan. Each periodic maintenance re-coating will prolong your roof’s lifespan for up to an additional twenty years, and it can be recoated for the duration of the roof’s useful life without significantly increasing the building’s load.

metal roof restorative coatings, orlando flMetal Roof Repair

The Conklin restoration coatings we apply, including PUMA® XL Reinforced, Rapid Roof III® Top Coat, and Rapid Roof HV® Top Coat. They are known to be among the highest solar reflective materials available. The coatings significantly reduce the heat inside and outside your commercial facility. Since it’s applied directly to your existing metal roofing system, there is no need for costly tear-off, disposal, and waiting for replacement materials to arrive. In addition, its insulative properties keep your building cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter for year-round energy savings.


Our restoration and coatings offer many other advantages, including:

  • Stops and prevents leaks
  • Weatherproof barrier
  • UL Fire protection
  • EnergyStar Cool Roof
  • Reduces cooling costs by 30%
  • Prolongs existing metal roofing system’s useful life
  • Reduces total lifecycle costs
  • Tax credits, rebates, and other incentives may also be available

Metal Roof Restoration, Repairs & Coating in Florida

Let us show you how our EnergyStar metal roof restoration and coatings can help solve your industrial roofing problems without replacing the roof. For a limited time, Troyer Commercial Roofing is offering FREE metal roof inspections for agricultural, industrial, manufacturing, and other commercial facilities in Longboat Key, North Bradenton, South Sarasota, Venice, and surrounding communities in Florida. Call to schedule an appointment and free estimate today!