Roofing Companies Orlando

Roofing Companies Orlando

If you're searching for roofing companies Orlando, Troyer Commercial Roofing is your solution. As an authorized Conklin® Roofing Systems contractor, Troyer Commercial Roofing specializes in cost-effective roof repairs for agricultural and commercial facilities. We operate in Orange County, Florida, including Orlando, Kissimmee, and Apopka. We have a complete range of durable, energy-efficient, and leak-resistant elastomeric roofing products. These tried and tested products help building owners, facility managers, and property managers avoid costly tear-offs and roof replacements. This is done by extending the lifespan of their existing Orlando roofing system.

We can strengthen, recondition, and protect aging, rusting, and damaged roofs. We work with various roof systems including metal, PVC, TPO, CSPE, concrete, wood, and other commercial roof systems. If you're searching for roofing companies Orlando, take a look at our 20-year, non-prorated warranty. Additionally, this warranty is extendable with re-coating for an additional 20 years of warranty protection. Your company may also qualify for tax credits, energy rebates, and other financial incentives.

roofing companies OrlandoRoofing Companies Orlando - Why Choose Conklin for Roof Repairs

Initially formulated in 1977, Conklin’s roofing systems are among the most durable, energy-efficient, and cost-effective roof coatings available. They have been tested and proven to keep rooftop surfaces substantially cooler, even outperforming other reflective materials. This reduces cooling costs in commercial, industrial, and agricultural facilities. Its coatings create a formidable protective shield that protects the building from the top down. It uses a highly durable, leak-resistant, waterproof, and fire-rated barrier. It also withstands frequent heavy rain, gusty winds, and heat common in Central Florida's challenging subtropical climate.

These adverse weather conditions cause issues which can result in premature replacements in the Greater Orlando area. In addition, the white reflective surface keeps interior spaces cooler, considerably reducing energy costs and carbon footprint. Conklin’s roof coatings are rated by ENERGY STAR and the Cool Roof Rating Council.

Orlando Roofing Contractors

Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF):

For larger Orlando roofing projects like schools, warehouses, shopping malls, and hospitals, Conklin Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) is a durable, energy-efficient, and cost-effective solution. It is used for repairing your existing roofing system, rather than costly tear-offs and replacements. The foam spreads across the entire roof surface, stopping and preventing leaks and repairing roof damage. This creates a completely seamless white reflective waterproof membrane. The energy savings alone is often sufficient to recover its investment. The SPF coating can also be re-applied to continue prolonging the lifespan of the existing roof system.

Single-Ply EPDM Membrane:

Conklin’s single-ply EPDM Membrane system will protect your existing EPDM rubber, mod-bit, PVC roofing system. You can save money in multiple areas. The system is only a fraction of the cost of a roof replacement. It also has an energy-efficient, cool roof coating that reflects most of the sun's UV radiation. This keeps interior spaces significantly cooler, reducing cooling costs and energy consumption. It requires minimal maintenance and can be reapplied multiple times to extend your existing Orlando roofing system's life for years.

Fabric-Reinforced Roofing:

The Conklin Fabric-Reinforced roofing system is a highly rugged, leak- and fire-resistant white reflective acrylic elastomeric coating. It features a strong, flexible fabric for commercial roofing systems that need additional strength and durability. With its built-in 'cool roof' technology, our fabric-reinforced roofing solution reflects most solar heat while providing buildings in Kissimmee with a highly durable, energy-efficient, and weatherproof membrane. It also resists cracking, splitting, leaks, and other roof damages from heavy rain, gusty winds, hail, and heat. This adds years to the existing roof’s useful life.

Conklin MR System® for Metal Roofs:

Recommended specifically for restoring metal roofs, Conklin’s MR System saves commercial building owners and operators time and money. It means you can avoid replacing your roof and choose to repair and restore it instead. The MR System is a complete solution that immediately stops leaks and reconditions and protects damaged metal roofing assemblies. The durable coatings include an attractive white reflective top-coat finish that provides a fire-resistant protective barrier. The barrier extends the roofing system's lifespan for decades. The energy-efficient restoration system also significantly reduces energy costs all year long.

Conklin® Flexion™ Single-Ply Membrane:

This extremely durable membrane is a thermoplastic coating that we typically recommend for repairing wood, concrete, or steel roof decks. Building owners in Apopka and Orange County who want to extend the lifespan of their existing roof to save money should consider the Conklin Flexion™ system as a preferred alternative to replacement. It's a highly energy-efficient, reflecting most solar heat, reducing wear and tear on HVAC equipment substantially lowering energy costs.

Orlando roofing, FL Roofing Contractors Orlando FL

Why Replace your roof when we can Restore It For Less? Troyer Commercial Roofing is your local Conklin Roofing Systems Contractor serving Orlando, Kissimmee, Apopka, and communities throughout Orange County, Florida. So, whether you own or manage a shopping mall, hotel, office complex, or any other commercial building, our roof restoration solutions will prolong the useful lifespan of your existing Orlando roofing system. If you're looking for roofing contractors Orlando, contact Troyer Commercial Roofing at (941) 564-5164 to schedule a FREE roof inspection and estimate today!