Ultimate Guide: Barn roofing repair vs. replacement

Ultimate Guide: Barn roofing repair vs. replacement 

Metal roofing is a popular choice for barns, arenas, farms and other ranch buildings because of its durability, long lifespan, and incredible resistance to the elements. But no roof will last forever. If you’re now seeing signs of wear and tear in your commercial roof, you’ll be wondering how to go about fixing it. When considering barn roofing repair vs. replacement, should you opt for repair, or should you just replace your barn roofing completely and start from scratch? 

The decision can seem overwhelming. In this comprehensive guide we’ll teach you the ins and outs of metal barn roofing. This guide will help you understand  repair, so you can feel confident choosing your path forward. 

The top reasons for repairing or replacing a metal barn roof 

There are a multitude of reasons it might be in your best interests to invest in a replacement roof. And there are just as many, if not more, arguments for repairing your barn roof.

What happens if you put off replacing or repairing your ranch roof?

Many property owners will put off dealing with a ranch roofing problem just because they think it’s a hassle they can delay facing until a later time. For example, they might not use a building frequently, and so they might think it’s no big deal to put off repairs or a replacement. Perhaps it might seem better to wait until a more convenient time. They might notice a bit of rust and think it’ll be months or years before it becomes a serious issue. 

This mindset can be risky, though. 

It’s important to remember that damage to a roof doesn’t just affect the roofing material itself. It can also seriously impair the underlying structural integrity of your barn.

If your barn roof has leaks, for instance, bad weather will continue to spread water into the rest of your building, which can damage electrical systems and equipment. It can also promote the growth of molds, which can be harmful to human and animal health. Water damage can even destabilize buildings, putting them at risk of collapse.

If you let your roof go without a repair or replacement for too long, small critters can even set up base in your metal barn roof, furthering the damage to its structure. This is a sure sign that metal barn roof repair or replacement is needed sooner rather than later.

As another example, severe storms that produce hail, excessive rainfall, heavy snow, or strong winds can cause rapid deterioration of minor damage. When that happens, what would have been a relatively cheap repair can turn into a far more expensive replacement project.

This is why it’s so important to keep an eye on the condition of all roofing. Then you can jump in and fix issues when you first notice them.

How often do metal barn roofs need to be replaced?

Once you know your roofs’ needs some TLC, it’s helpful to understand how long roofs typically last. there’s little point investing in a repair if you’ll only have to replace the roof in six months time.

Unfortunately, such a simple question doesn’t have a straightforward answer because it depends on the kind of metal used to build the roof and what treatments have been applied to the metal.

There are three grades of metal that are typically used in barn roofing and other kinds of ranch buildings:

  • The lowest grade has a 10-year warranty (this is what we usually see in FL)
  • Middle-of-the-range metal has a 20-year warranty
  • Durable metal has a 40-year warranty (this is what we usually see in PA)

Any of these metal grades can be protected with a good quality coating to extend their lives. For example, Conklin makes a flexible, acrylic coating that weatherproofs metal roofs, providing protection against rain, wind, hail, and even fire. This can add 20 years to the life of a barn roof. Not bad when you consider the lifespan of the uncontested roof! And when you consider the fact that you can coat even a newly-installed roof made from the lowest-grade of metal to extend its life, it becomes downright impressive.

Environmental factors

It’s important to understand that environmental factors can affect the longevity of any type of roof. For instance, hot, sunny climates do a real number on paint work and roof coatings, especially on metal roofs because the metal can get incredibly hot in the sun. Roofs that have to bear the weight of a lot of snow on a regular basis, will tend to bend and warp more easily. And any roof in a storm-prone area is likely to become dented by hail or debris. They can even lift away from the rest of their structure.

Impact on roofing in specific locations

As an example, here in Florida roofs have to contend with humid subtropical conditions along with frequent storms. The storms dent metal and damage roof coatings, and the constant moisture then gets in under the coating, causing the metal to rust rapidly. The moisture and warmth can also encourage mold to grow.

This doesn’t necessarily shorten the overall lifespan of roofs in our area. However, it does mean they need more repairs if they’re to realize their full potential.

Do live in Florida, or another area that has a challenging climate? it’s a good idea to take a serious look at the condition of your metal ranch roofs as they approach the 10-year mark. This way, you can catch any damage before it becomes a more expensive problem to fix. 

If you aren’t sure of the exact age of your roof, a roofing inspector can give you a fairly accurate estimate.

How to tell whether it’s time to repair or replace your ranch roofing

Besides obvious signs of damage, such as a section of roof being ripped away completely by severe weather, there are more subtle signs you can monitor to determine if your roof needs a repair or has run its course. Here are the top things to consider when determining whether your ranch roof needs to be repaired or replaced.

The age of the roof

Although metal roofs are known for their longevity and potential to last decades, no material can stay strong forever. If your barn roof has been around for 10 or more years, it’s a good idea to visually inspect the top of your roof for signs of damage. If you have the gear necessary and can do the job safely, take a look yourself. Otherwise book a free roof inspection so an expert can provide you with the best advice. They’re be able to look at the top surface and determine if wear and tear are showing. If there’s no sign of damage, you can celebrate! You may also want to consider doing a thorough check again each year, so you can spot any signs of trouble before they get out of hand.

Even If you only notice minor damage or scuffs, it’s good to take action before that damage begins to rust. Depending on the degree of damage, you might need some repairs, or you might just need a weatherproof coating. Our coating of choice is an acrylic elastomeric metal roof coating system that provides advanced protection against weather damage and also improves energy efficiency.

If your roof is nearing the end of its predicted lifespan and it’s deteriorated significantly, that could be a good sign it’s time to replace it or it may just need some TLC. We understand that’s a difficult call to make if you’re not a roofing contractor or a roof expert, so feel free to give us a call for some free advice and a free inspection

Replacing the damaged sections

Also, it’s worth bearing in mind that a damaged roof doesn’t necessarily mean the whole thing needs to be replaced. Sometimes just one section of a roof has degraded to the point of no return. We can assess your roof and determine whether our coating system can extend its useful life. We have many customers that thought their roof needed replacement when all that was needed was repairs and coating to provide the protection needed.

Remember, if you can’t inspect your roof safely, or don’t know what you’re looking for, get a professional to do it for you. Some, like us, will even do it for free.

The condition of the roof

Regardless of the age of your roof, damage could be compromising its condition. So, it’s a good idea to regularly check your barn roofing from the inside to see if it shows signs of rust, leaking, warping or significant harm.

The roof’s appearance and efficiency

An older roof might sport some unsightly dents or scuffs, a dull and faded color, unattractive rust or corrosion. It may simply an outdated design. And many older roofs can really turn up the heat inside an arena or barn. If you can reduce the level of heat inside a building with more modern farmhouse roofing, it can provide additional energy efficiency benefits. So getting a new roof or even repairing an existing one, can be of both stylistic and functional benefit. Our roof restoration is also rated by the Cool Roof Rating Council for its energy efficiency.

Are you keen to improve the efficiency of your existing roof? If it is structurally sound, re-coating your roof can extend it’s life and bring energy saving benef make it look as good as new. And if your roof is otherwise sound but turns the building into a sauna, re-coating could reduce your energy costs. This can be achieved for a fraction of the price of a replacement farmhouse metal roof.

The presence of rust

A few spots of isolated rust are usually nothing to be too concerned about. lthough treating them now can reduce the costs of maintaining your roof in the long run. Rust creeping throughout your roof can be a sign of worsening deterioration, however. Depending on how far such rust has spread, you might repair only the areas that are affected. This can save you  rather than doing a full replacement. 

If rust is a problem in your roofs, once you’ve got the roof repaired or replaced, get it weatherproofed with an acrylic coating that’ll keep the rust away for longer.

A leaking roof

You can tell from our earlier points regarding the consequences of not dealing with a damaged roof. Leaks are a big issue to look out for. If you find leaks, there are several approaches you might take.

With a small leak, a repair is probably in store. If you can see daylight shining through in multiple places, a replacement section might be in order. And just be aware, if it’s on its last legs and looks like it’s ready to cave in when next you get a heavy rain or snow fall, it’s often wise to resolve the problems before they pose a danger to people or livestock.

A cracked or warping roof

Cracks and gaps, warped metal panels, and even holes can be telltale signs that your roof wasn’t properly installed. Or perhaps it has just received too much wear and tear over the years. Misshapen or loose panels are also a strong warning sign of significant problems. Sometimes these issues can be repaired, but more often than not, warped panels need to be replaced. That doesn’t mean the entire roof would need to be replaced, however.

To repair or replace

Once you know you definitely have to do something for your roof, the key is determining whether a repair or replacement is going to be better value for money.

As a rule of thumb, minor issues that don’t affect your entire roof can often be remedied by a repair. However, ignoring minor issues for an extended period is likely to produce a bigger issue. This could require a more intensive and expensive full replacement.

To get a better idea of whether a repair or replacement is in order, take a look at your barn roofing and determine if the damage is isolated to specific, smaller areas. If so, you might save some time, effort, and money by opting for a simple repair. However, if it’s clear the entirety of your ranch roof, arena roofing, or metal barn roof has seen better days and is severely compromised by its damage, then a replacement might be required.

Regardless of what your inspection reveals, it’s always a good idea to get a second opinion from an experienced contractor. It’s best to do this before you commit to any big decision. This will ensure you’re spending your money wisely and solving your problem in its entirety. 

Note: If you notice your barn roofing has sustained severe damage, it’s important to pinpoint the cause of the problem, even if you end up replacing it. That’s because whatever issue is to blame might pop up again and damage your roof all over again. Protect your new investment and the structural integrity of your barn by nipping the problem in the bud!

Why Troyer Commercial Roofing is the best option for repairing your metal barn roofing

Here at Troyer Commercial Roofing, we’re known for doing an outstanding job of installing all kinds of commercial roofing. This includes metal roofing. What you might not know is that we’re also a #1 rated barn roofing contractor. We install and repair metal ranch roofs all over Florida.

When you book in for our professional barn and arena roofing services, we’ll apply a metal roof coating (MR) with the much-acclaimed Conklin MR System. This treatment immediately transforms aging leaky, rusty, and weak metal roofs into very durable roofs with a rust-resistant barrier. This protects the roof and supporting structure from heat, wind, rain, and other environmental conditions. This makes it an excellent choice for Florida’s agricultural barn roofs.

And we offer a 20-year warranty on your roof once we’ve applied the treatment.

Not sure whether your roof needs to be repaired or replaced? we’re happy to come out and inspect it. We can discuss any barn, arena or farmhouse metal roofing concerns you might have. Got questions about your metal ranch roofing? Our friendly team is more than happy to answer them. And if a repair or replacement is in order, we’ll send you an obligation-free quote.

To book a free inspection with our experts, just fill in this form: 

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